• 25 Febbraio 2025


Diversity can be considered an enrichment or a division. An enrichment if we think about the beauty of a globalized world, where many different cultures can meet and help each other. A reason for contrast, if we consider those who are different from us, from our concept of normality, could be dangerous for our culture and therefore must be removed.

There should be no divisions and prejudices in a modern world like ours. Someone believes it has never been easy to be yourself without being influenced by the mass. Because if you are different, you are not normal. Some people are considered strange because of their isolation, so I think it takes courage to be yourself.

If you are different, you are original, unique and imperfect. Who is perfect in this world?

Everyone has their strengths and their faults, it is the duty of each of us to bring out the best. Most great characters in history were considered different and original, they didn’t conform to society but chose to be unique without listening to the opinions of others. The opinions of others are superfluous, one must listen to oneself and be what one really is.

Photo by Aran Cosentino (Flickr)

People who have distinguished themselves for their uniqueness have been helped by that strange being. These people do not find it right to have prejudices about other people. They believe that we are all equal with the same rights and duties.

Diversity is enrichment

The enrichment derives from the fact that a person with a different culture than yours can make you change your perspective and therefore make you learn new knowledge. Having more points of view is important to have a more global view of the situation on our planet. Many people instead strongly believe that diversity must be removed. Society makes us believe that returning to normality is safer than being original and therefore considered strange. The adjective “strange” is considered negative and therefore to be avoided. If a person comes from another country and has a different culture from ours, it is considered dangerous for our traditions. These people feel endangered by migrant landings in our country and do not want to relate to diversity. Diversity is scary, because of prejudice.

Why have concerns that arise from prejudices instead of worrying about issues that affect us all?

Those who are afraid of the difference can miss the opportunity to learn and learn something new. Those who do not have this fear can understand that diversity is a gift. Different person makes us think, reason and grow. If all people were equal what could we learn again? The so-called genius is one who thinks outside the box and brings out his skills.

Photo by Aran Cosentino (Flickr)

As quoted by Albert Einstein: “Each of us is a genius, but if we judge a fish by his ability to climb trees he will think of himself as being stupid“. If the society expects a skill that you don’t have, you are considered stupid. Instead, everyone is different and has different abilities, the important thing is not to be told that you are stupid. The Planet is everyone’s home, it has no boundaries, but man has built walls to keep the different away. Sooner or later man will realize that in order to live in a balanced Planet it is necessary to put prejudices aside and let peace prevail. As another quote by Albert Einstein reports:

It is easier to break an atom than a prejudice

Today the courage to be considered different we see in the millions of students who strike and protest all over the world for their future. Protesting with the different, diversity enriches and helps the cause. It all started with Greta, a girl who was considered different because of her syndrome and for this she is teased. Her originality and diversity has inspired millions of young people to unite without any kind of division of a common mission. It’s time to leave the divisions imparted by society and to assert diversity as a strength. Behind diversity there is the courage to be yourself. Without diversity there isn’t change. Change is necessary for the evolution of man, it is up to humanity to choose towards the good.

To see Aran’s photo gallery click here.

Aran Cosentino


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